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Veinviewer é o melhor localizador de veias? Qual é o preço?

By Others

Veinviewer é o melhor localizador de veias? Qual é o preço?

Para alguns leitores que não estão familiarizados com o mercado de localizadores de veias. Existem duas empresas na posição de liderança deste mercado. VeinViewer da Christie Medical e Accuvein da AccuVein Inc.
Eles são ambos empresa americana que foi provada pelo FDA. Eles têm vendido esses produtos no mercado internacional há anos e tem distribuidores estáveis em todo o mundo.


Sobre a Christie Medical Holdings, Inc.

Christie Medical Holdings, Inc. é uma empresa global com sede em Memphis, Tennessee

Sobre o AccuVein

A AccuVein é líder global em soluções de imagens médicas.

Como o CMS Vein Finder VF30 é comparado a essas duas grandes marcas?

O VF30 é o nosso principal produto, é poderoso, tem uma qualidade incrível e é acessível.

Como funcionam os scanners de veias?

O princípio fundamental do dispositivo é que a hemoglobina no sangue tem uma taxa de absorção de luz diferente do tecido circundante.

Qualquer outro localizador de veias disponível na internet?

Encontramos o localizador de veias infravermelho 5 Best, vendido na amazon.

1. Sobre a Christie Medical Holdings, Inc.

VeinViewer é o melhor localizador de veias?

A Christie Medical Holdings, Inc. é uma empresa global com sede em Memphis, Tennessee, que descobre, desenvolve e comercializa tecnologias médicas. O VeinViewer, o produto líder de mercado da empresa, é um sistema de geração de imagens vasculares móveis. Ele permite que os prestadores de serviços de saúde vejam claramente as veias acessíveis como uma imagem HD em tempo real, diretamente na superfície da pele. A Christie Medical Holdings é de propriedade da Christie Digital Systems, Inc. A Christie Digital Systems, Inc. é uma empresa global de soluções visuais, de áudio e colaboração que oferece soluções completas para negócios, entretenimento e indústria.

Christie Medical Holdings:
Christie Digital Systems, Inc:

Christie Medical Holdings Inc

O portfólio de produtos de imagem da Christie Medical Holdings inclui: os modelos VeinViewer Vision2 e VeinViewer Flex.


VeinViewer Flex


O VeinViewer Flex é um iluminador de veias portátil. Proporciona benefícios para todos os pacientes durante todo o procedimento de acesso pré, durante e pós-vascular. O VeinViewer Flex foi projetado para durabilidade e máxima portabilidade. O Flex também é adequado para departamentos hospitalares, como o Departamento de Emergência e a UTIN, onde os requisitos de espaço e a velocidade de avaliação exigem um localizador de veias ultra-portátil e confiável.
O VeinViewer Flex vem de fábrica com o conjunto completo de imagens ASSESS ™:

O VeinViewer Flex vem de fábrica com o conjunto completo de imagens ASSESS ™:

Universal Um benefício para todos os seus pacientes.
Inverso Permite alternar cores na janela da imagem.
Redimensionar Permite que você escolha um dos três tamanhos de janela.
MaxBright Aumenta o nosso brilho de imagem líder de mercado em outros 40% para cenários onde a iluminação do ambiente é maior que a padrão.


Brilho Mínimo de 5 lumens
Peso 1,6 lbs. (0,7 kg)
Dimensões 11,6 “x 4” x 1,7 “
Fonte de energia Baterias de íon de lítio de troca rápida ou AC (tomada)
Imaging / distância focal 12 “(30 cm), atende às recomendações da AST para uma distância segura do campo estéril.

VeinViewer Vision2


O VeinViewer Vision2 é durável para hospitais e projetado para uso em toda a unidade. Seu braço articulado e articulação flexível tornam o VeinViewer Vision2 fácil de manobrar e posicionar. Coloque o VeinViewer Vision2 ao lado da cama e, usando apenas alguns dedos, mova a cabeça da unidade para avaliar um paciente da cabeça aos pés. Não há necessidade de reposicionar o dispositivo.

O VeinViewer Vision2 vem de fábrica com o pacote completo de imagens:

Universal Um benefício para todos os seus pacientes.
Inverso Permite alternar cores na janela da imagem.
Redimensionar Permite que você escolha um dos três tamanhos de janela.
Brilho Máximo Aumenta o nosso brilho de imagem líder de mercado em outros 40% para cenários em que a iluminação do ambiente é maior que a padrão.
TriColor Fornece uma opção de cor para a imagem projetada (verde, amarelo, branco).


Alcance máximo 53,4 “(135 cm)
Brilho 6-10 lumens
Peso 54 libras (24 kg)
Altura (dispositivo montado) 69,8 “(177 cm)
Base 21 “(53,3 cm) na diagonal
Fonte de energia Bateria de íon de lítio FastSwap ou AC (tomada)
Imaging / distância focal 12 “(30 cm), atende às recomendações da AST para uma distância segura do campo estéril.

VeinViewer Price

VeinViewer Price

O preço do utilizador final do VeinViewer Flex é de cerca de 4500 a 6000 USD.
O preço do utilizador final do VeinViewer Vision2 é de cerca de 5000 a 8000 USD.
O preço é diferente no país diferente, e pode não ser muito preciso.

Como comprar um VeinViewer?

Site do distribuidor:
Selecione o país da lista e ele mostrará o distribuidor local.
Observe que a Christie Medical Holdings não está procurando por nenhum distribuidor de produtos adicional no momento.

2. Sobre o AccuVein.

A AccuVein é líder global em soluções de imagens médicas. O sistema de visualização de veias da Accuvein pode ser a primeira solução portátil de iluminação de veias sem contato do mundo.

AccuVein Inc:


Produto AV400


O AccuVein AV400 exibe digitalmente um mapa da vasculatura na superfície da pele em tempo real, permitindo que os médicos verifiquem a patência das veias e evitem válvulas ou bifurcações. É portátil e leve, pesando apenas 277 gramas, e converte-se facilmente em mãos livres com o uso de suportes opcionais com rodas ou fixos.


Suporte com Rodas AccuVein HF470


O carrinho de rodas HF470 é o mais recente da família de acessórios de mãos livres da AccuVein e é ideal para qualquer ambiente médico no qual a iluminação das veias precise ser trazida ao paciente, pois a base estável do suporte e as rodas deslizantes suaves permitem que seja facilmente manobrável

Accuvein Vein Finder Preço

Preço Accuvein

O Accuvein pode ser o localizador de veias mais caro do mercado.
O preço do utilizador final do AV400 é de cerca de 5000 a 7000 USD.
O preço é diferente no país diferente, e pode não ser muito preciso.

Como comprar um Accuvein?

O sistema de visualização de veias AccuVein está disponível em mais de 130 países ao redor do mundo.
Clique no link do país abaixo para entrar em contato com o distribuidor local.

Aviso: Laser.

O que é que o uso de Accuvein é diferente de outra companhia de localizador de veias,
O que eles usam são dois lasers de classe de scanner de código de barras: um infravermelho invisível e um vermelho visível.
Você não pode usar este dispositivo diretamente nos olhos.

3. Como é o CMS Vein Finder VF30 comparado a essas duas grandes marcas?

O VF30 é o nosso principal produto, é poderoso, tem uma qualidade incrível e é acessível. O VF30 também vem com dois suportes opcionais, o suporte fixo para mesa e o suporte móvel. Stand é muito importante no uso diário, pode liberar suas duas mãos quando você opera.

Capacidade de encontrar veia semelhante

Tecnologia de imagem de veia de luz infravermelha é uma tecnologia madura, e CMS tem forte equipe de desenvolvimento para melhorar o código, por isso temos a capacidade de encontrar veia semelhante.

Mais função.

Desenvolvemos mais funções como modos de tamanhos diferentes, modos de cores diferentes, modos de brilho diferentes para fazer com que o visualizador de veias seja capaz de ajustar mais pacientes em mais departamentos.

Mais acessível.

Nosso objetivo é trazer veia localizador em cada hospital, torná-lo um dispositivo todos os dias e, eventualmente, mudar a forma como as pessoas fazem veipuncture. Para conseguir isso, temos uma lista de preços muito mais acessível do que outros concorrentes no mercado.
Entre em contato conosco para saber mais:

Vários modos de tamanho


Níveis de brilho ajustáveis.

4. Como funciona o scanner Vein?

wiki do visualizador de veias: localizador de veias no infravermelho próximo

veia tecnologia de imagem, como funciona?
Então, como funciona um localizador de veias? O princípio fundamental do dispositivo é que a hemoglobina no sangue tem uma taxa de absorção de luz diferente do tecido circundante.
A luz projetada no infravermelho próximo é absorvida pelo sangue e refletida pelo tecido circundante. A informação é capturada, processada e projetada digitalmente em tempo real diretamente na superfície da pele. Ele fornece uma imagem precisa em tempo real do padrão de sangue do paciente.
Aqui está outro artigo explicando mais sobre a tecnologia Vein Visualization. Como funciona um localizador de veias?

5. Algum outro localizador de veias disponível na internet?

É claro que temos trabalhado por muitos dias de pesquisa e encontramos o localizador de veias infravermelho 5 Best, vendido na Amazon. Este artigo tem tudo o que você quer saber sobre eles, por que é o melhor? Quanto custa? E como você pode comprá-lo?


Veinlite EMS adulto bebê transilluminator veia localizador

Onde comprar: Amazon
Preço Identificador de Veia: $ 255.00
Fabricante: TransLite LLC
Site da empresa:

O Transiluminador Veinlite foi criado para permitir que os prestadores de serviços de saúde e os técnicos do SGA encontrem veias nos membros e no couro cabeludo. É portátil, portátil e pode ser usado tanto com adultos quanto com crianças (vem com um adaptador especialmente projetado para a necessidade de encontrar veias em pacientes pediátricos).



Onde comprar: Amazon
Fabricante: BLZ Tech
Site da empresa:

VS400 pode veicular digitalmente um mapa da vasculatura na superfície da pele em tempo real, auxiliando os profissionais de saúde a verificar a patência das veias e evitar válvulas ou bifurcações.Vein finder é uma modalidade comprovada que pode melhorar o atendimento ao paciente e economizar valiosa tempo para médicos e pacientes.


VeinSeek vein finder app
Onde baixar:

veinseek pro android download gratuito
veinseek pro ios download grátis
Fabricante: VeinSeek, LLC
Site da empresa:

Es Veinviewer el mejor buscador de venas? Cual es el precio?

By Others

Es Veinviewer el mejor buscador de venas? Cual es el precio?

Para algunos lectores que no están familiarizados con el mercado del buscador de venas. Hay dos empresas en la posición de liderazgo de este mercado. VeinViewer de Christie Medical y Accuvein de AccuVein Inc.
Ambos son una empresa estadounidense que ha sido probada por la FDA. Han estado vendiendo estos productos en el mercado internacional durante años y tienen distribuidores estables en todo el mundo.


Acerca de Christie Medical Holdings, Inc.

Christie Medical Holdings, Inc. es una compañía global con sede en Memphis, Tennessee

Acerca de AccuVein

AccuVein es un líder mundial en soluciones de imágenes médicas.

¿Cómo es CMS Vein Finder VF30 en comparación con estas dos grandes marcas?

VF30 es nuestro producto principal, es potente, tiene una calidad increíble y es asequible.

¿Cómo funcionan los escáneres de venas?

El principio fundamental del dispositivo es que la hemoglobina en la sangre tiene una tasa de absorción de luz diferente a la del tejido circundante.

¿Algún otro buscador de venas disponible en internet?

Hemos encontrado el mejor buscador de venas infrarrojas 5 vendido en Amazon.

1. Sobre Christie Medical Holdings, Inc.

Es VeinViewer el mejor buscador de venas?

Christie Medical Holdings, Inc. es una compañía global con sede en Memphis, Tennessee, que descubre, desarrolla y comercializa tecnologías médicas. El producto líder en el mercado de la compañía, VeinViewer, es un sistema móvil de imágenes vasculares. Permite a los proveedores de atención médica ver claramente las venas accesibles como una imagen HD en tiempo real, directamente en la superficie de la piel. Christie Medical Holdings es propiedad de Christie Digital Systems, Inc. Christie Digital Systems, Inc. es una compañía global de soluciones visuales, de audio y colaboración que ofrece soluciones completas para negocios, entretenimiento e industria.
Christie Medical Holdings:
Christie Digital Systems, Inc:

Christie Medical Holdings Inc

La cartera de productos de imágenes de Christie Medical Holdings incluye: VeinViewer Vision2 y modelos VeinViewer Flex.


VeinViewer Flex

Sitio web:

VeinViewer Flex es un iluminador de venas de mano. Brinda beneficios a todos los pacientes durante todo el procedimiento de acceso previo, durante y después del tratamiento vascular. VeinViewer Flex está diseñado para durabilidad y máxima portabilidad. Flex también es adecuado para departamentos hospitalarios como el Departamento de Emergencias y la UCIN, donde los requisitos de espacio y la velocidad de evaluación exigen un buscador de vetas ultraportátil y confiable.

VeinViewer Flex viene de serie con el completo ASSESS ™ Imaging Suite:

Universal A benefit for all your patients.
Inverso Le permite cambiar los colores dentro de la ventana de la imagen.
Redimensionar Le permite elegir uno de los tres tamaños de ventana.
MaxBright Aumenta nuestro brillo de imagen líder en el mercado en otro 40% para escenarios donde es mayor que la iluminación ambiental estándar.


Brillo Mínimo de 5 lúmenes.
Peso 1.6 lbs. (0.7 kg)
Dimensiones 11.6″ x 4″ x 1.7″
Fuente de alimentación Baterías de ión litio de intercambio rápido o CA (salida)
Imágenes / distancia focal 12 “(30 cm), cumple con las recomendaciones de AST para una distancia segura del campo estéril.

VeinViewer Vision2

Sitio web:

VeinViewer Vision2 es duradero en el hospital y está diseñado para uso en toda la instalación. Su brazo articulado y su articulación de muñeca flexible hacen que VeinViewer Vision2 sea fácil de maniobrar y posicionar. Coloque VeinViewer Vision2 junto a la cama y, con solo un par de dedos, mueva la cabeza de la unidad para evaluar a un paciente de pies a cabeza. No es necesario volver a colocar el dispositivo.

VeinViewer Vision2 viene de serie con el conjunto completo de imágenes:

Universal Un beneficio para todos sus pacientes.
Inverso Le permite cambiar los colores dentro de la ventana de la imagen.
Redimensionar Le permite elegir uno de los tres tamaños de ventana.
Brillo maximo Aumenta nuestro brillo de imagen líder en marketing en otro 40% para escenarios donde es mayor que la iluminación ambiental estándar.
TriColor Ofrece una opción de color para la imagen proyectada (verde, amarillo, blanco).


Alcance maximo 53.4″ (135 cm)
Brillo 6-10 lúmenes
Peso 54 libras (24 kg)
Altura (dispositivo ensamblado) 69.8″ (177 cm)
Base 21 “(53,3 cm) en diagonal
Fuente de alimentación Batería de ion de litio FastSwap o CA (salida)
Imágenes / distancia focal 12 “(30 cm), cumple con las recomendaciones de AST para una distancia segura del campo estéril.

Precio de VeinViewer

Precio de VeinViewer

El precio para el usuario final de VeinViewer Flex es de alrededor de 4500 a 6000 USD.
El precio para el usuario final de VeinViewer Vision2 es de alrededor de 5000 a 8000 USD.
El precio es diferente en diferentes países y puede no ser muy preciso.

¿Cómo comprar un VeinViewer?

Sitio del distribuidor:
Seleccione el país de la lista, y se mostrará el distribuidor local.
Tenga en cuenta que Christie Medical Holdings no está buscando distribuidores de productos adicionales en este momento.

2. Acerca de AccuVein.

AccuVein es un líder mundial en soluciones de imágenes médicas. El sistema de visualización de venas de Accuvein puede ser la primera solución de iluminación de venas sin contacto de mano del mundo.

AccuVein Inc:


Producto- AV400

Sitio web:

El AccuVein AV400 muestra digitalmente un mapa de la vasculatura en la superficie de la piel en tiempo real, lo que permite a los médicos verificar la permeabilidad de las venas y evitar válvulas o bifurcaciones. Es portátil y liviano, pesa solo 9.7 onzas (275 g) y se convierte fácilmente en manos libres con el uso de soportes opcionales con ruedas o fijos.


Soporte con ruedas AccuVein HF470

Sitio web:

El soporte con ruedas HF470 es lo último en la familia de accesorios de manos libres de AccuVein y es ideal para cualquier entorno médico en el que se deba llevar la iluminación de las venas al paciente, ya que la base estable del soporte y las ruedas de deslizamiento suaves permiten que sea fácil maniobrar.

Buscador de venas Accuvein Precio

Precio de Accuvein

Accuvein puede ser el buscador de vetas más caro del mercado.
El precio para el usuario final de AV400 es de alrededor de 5000 a 7000 USD.
El precio es diferente en diferentes países y puede no ser muy preciso.

¿Cómo comprar un Accuvein?

El sistema de visualización de vetas AccuVein está disponible en más de 130 países de todo el mundo.
Haga clic en el enlace del país a continuación para ponerse en contacto con el distribuidor local.

Advertencia: Láser.

¿Qué uso de Accuvein es muy diferente de otra compañía de búsqueda de venas,
Lo que utilizan son dos láseres de clase de escáner de código de barras: un infrarrojo invisible y un rojo visible.
No puede utilizar este dispositivo directamente sobre los ojos.

3. ¿Cómo es CMS Vein Finder VF30 en comparación con estas dos grandes marcas?

VF30 es nuestro producto principal, es potente, tiene una calidad increíble y es asequible. VF30 también viene con dos soportes opcionales, el soporte fijo para mesa y el soporte móvil. El soporte es muy importante en el uso diario, ya que puede liberar ambas manos cuando opera.

Capacidad similar para encontrar venas

La tecnología de imágenes de venas de luz infrarroja es una tecnología madura, y CMS tiene un equipo de desarrollo fuerte para mejorar el código, por lo que tenemos la capacidad de encontrar venas similares

Más función.

Hemos desarrollado más funciones como diferentes modos de tamaño, diferentes modos de color, diferentes modos de brillo para que el visor de vetas pueda ajustar más pacientes en más departamentos.

Más asequible.

Nuestro objetivo es llevar el buscador de venas a todos los hospitales, convertirlo en un dispositivo cotidiano y, eventualmente, cambiar la forma en que las personas realizan la punción venosa. Para lograrlo, tenemos una lista de precios mucho más asequible que otros competidores en el mercado.
Contáctenos para saber más:

Múltiples modos de tamaño.


Niveles de brillo ajustables.

4. ¿Cómo funciona el escáner Vein?

visualizador de venas wiki: buscador de venas en el infrarrojo cercano

Tecnología de imágenes de venas, ¿cómo funciona?

Entonces, ¿cómo funciona un buscador de venas? El principio fundamental del dispositivo es que la hemoglobina en la sangre tiene una tasa de absorción de luz diferente a la del tejido circundante.
La luz infrarroja cercana proyectada es absorbida por la sangre y reflejada por el tejido circundante. La información se captura, procesa y proyecta digitalmente en tiempo real directamente sobre la superficie de la piel. Proporciona una imagen precisa en tiempo real del patrón sanguíneo del paciente.
Aquí hay otro artículo que explica más acerca de la tecnología de visualización de venas. ¿Cómo funciona un buscador de venas?

5. ¿Algún otro buscador de venas disponible en internet?

Claro que sí, hemos estado trabajando durante muchos días de investigación, y hemos encontrado el Mejor buscador de venas infrarrojas 5 vendido en Amazon. Este artículo tiene todo lo que quieres saber sobre ellos, ¿por qué es lo mejor? ¿Cuanto cuesta? ¿Y cómo puedes comprarlo?


Buscador de venas Transiluminator para bebés adultos Veinlite EMS

Dónde comprar: Amazon
Precio identificador de la vena: $ 255.00
Fabricante: TransLite LLC
Sitio web de la empresa:

El transiluminador Veinlite fue creado para permitir a los proveedores de atención médica y técnicos de EMS encontrar venas en las extremidades y el cuero cabelludo. Es de mano, portátil y se puede usar tanto con adultos como con niños (viene con un adaptador especialmente diseñado cuando se necesitan venas en pacientes pediátricos).



Dónde comprar: Amazon
Fabricante: BLZ Tech
Sitio web de la empresa:

El buscador de venas VeinSight ™ VS400 puede mostrar digitalmente un mapa de la vasculatura en la superficie de la piel en tiempo real, ayudando a los profesionales de la salud a verificar la permeabilidad de las venas y evitar válvulas o bifurcaciones. El visor de vetas es una modalidad comprobada que puede mejorar la atención al paciente y ahorrar valor. Tiempo tanto para los clínicos como para los pacientes.


Aplicación del buscador de venas VeinSeek
Dónde descargar:

Descarga gratuita de veinseek pro android
Descarga gratuita de veinseek pro ios
Fabricante: VeinSeek, LLC
Sitio web de la empresa:

Combien coute chercheur de veines? Meilleur recherche de veine infrarouge Review-2019

By Others

Combien coute chercheur de veines? Meilleur recherche de veine infrarouge Review-2019

Les différents types de localisateur de veines ont des prix différents, avant de vous en montrer le coût, il est important de savoir en premier lieu quels types de localisateur de veines vous avez besoin. Il existe 3 principaux types de veines et 2 types de sondes spéciales sur le marché international.

1. Recherche de veine infrarouge.

Un détecteur de veine infrarouge qui cartographie directement les veines à la surface de la peau.
C’est l’un des illuminateurs de veine les plus populaires à l’heure actuelle, il est très pratique au quotidien et la plupart d’entre eux sont livrés avec un support en option permettant de libérer les deux mains. En même temps, sa structure et son algorithme sont beaucoup plus complexes que les autres types de périphériques. Ce type d’appareil est donc l’un des plus coûteux. Il en coûte entre 4000 et 6000 USD par utilisateur pour l’utilisateur final.
Je souhaite vous présenter quatre marques principales et leur modèle le plus populaire sur le marché international. ce sont: CMS Medical, Accuvein, VeinViewer et BLZ Medical.


CMS Vein Finder VF30

VF30 peut être l’un des meilleurs détecteurs de veines infrarouges abordables sur le marché international. Il a plusieurs modes, deux supports en option et un prix très compétitif, ce qui est parfait pour certains marchés sensibles aux prix.
Le VF30 est notre produit principal. Il est puissant, d’une qualité incroyable et abordable. Le VF30 est également livré avec deux supports en option, le support fixe pour table et le support mobile. Le support est très important dans l’utilisation quotidienne, il peut libérer vos deux mains lorsque vous utilisez.


Système de recherche de veines infrarouge CMS VF30

Le VF30 est le produit principal de CMS, il est puissant, d’une qualité incroyable et abordable. Le VF30 est également livré avec deux supports en option, le support fixe pour table et le support mobile. Le support est très important dans l’utilisation quotidienne, il peut libérer vos deux mains lorsque vous utilisez.
Nous avons développé plus de fonctions telles que différents modes de taille, différents modes de couleur, différents modes de luminosité pour que le visualiseur de veines puisse ajuster plus de patients dans plus de départements.
Notre objectif est d’amener un détecteur de veine dans chaque hôpital, d’en faire un appareil quotidien et de changer en fin de compte la façon dont les gens pratiquent la veinipuncture. Pour ce faire, nous avons une liste de prix beaucoup plus abordable que d’autres concurrents sur le marché.
Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus:


VeinSight Vein Finder VS400

Le VS400 est peut-être l’un des dispositifs de cartographie des veines le plus puissant et le plus sûr du marché. Il est bien conçu et présente une qualité élevée et stable. Le vequeur de veines VeinSight ™ VS400 peut afficher numériquement une carte du système vasculaire à la surface de la peau en temps réel, aidant les professionnels de la santé à vérifier la perméabilité des veines et à éviter les valvules ou les bifurcations.Le chercheur de veines est une modalité éprouvée qui peut améliorer les soins des patients et temps pour les cliniciens et les patients.


VeinSight Vein Finder VS400

VeinSight est doté de la technologie unique RMIF (fusion d’images multiples multi-expositions). Le taux de trame de l’image atteint plus de 20 f / s, ce qui rend le flux de sang clair pour l’injection de liquide, ce qui est important pour les applications cliniques, telles que la ponction veineuse, la prise de sang, procédures cosmétiques, procédures vasculaires et de nombreuses autres procédures médicales.


Accuvein AV400

Accuvein est l’un des plus grands fabricants d’appareils de recherche de veines, basé aux États-Unis et ayant déjà des distributeurs dans le monde entier. L’AV400 est leur modèle le plus populaire, bien qu’il utilise des lasers, ce qui lui confère un mode d’affichage limité et des effets nocifs sur les yeux si vous l’utilisez mal.


Accuvein AV400

Le localisateur de veines infrarouge AccuVein AV400 affiche numériquement en temps réel une carte du système vasculaire à la surface de la peau, ce qui permet aux cliniciens de vérifier la perméabilité des veines et d’éviter les valvules ou les bifurcations. Léger et tenu dans la main, il ne pèse que 9,7 onces (275 g) et se transforme facilement en mains libres grâce à l’utilisation de supports à roulettes ou fixes en option.
Le support à roues HF470 est le dernier-né de la gamme d’accessoires mains libres AccuVein. Il est idéal pour tout environnement médical dans lequel l’éclairage veineux doit être apporté au patient, car sa base stable et ses roues à glissement lisse lui permettent d’être facilement manœuvré.

Christie Medical Holdings Inc

Vein Viewer Flex

Certaines personnes peuvent demander qui a inventé le visualiseur de veine? Et la réponse de Google est Herb Zeman, scientifique au Centre des sciences de la santé de l’Université du Tennessee, puis développé et emballé par Luminetx, fondée à Memphis et acquise par Christie Medical Holdings en 2009. So Vein Viewer peut être le première société qui utilise une lumière infrarouge proche inoffensive sur le dispositif de cartographie veineuse. Jusqu’à aujourd’hui, de nombreuses entreprises utilisent également une lumière infrarouge proche inoffensive.


Vein Viewer Flex

VeinViewer Flex est un illuminateur de veine portable. Il procure des avantages à tous les patients tout au long de la procédure d’accès pré, pendant et post-vasculaire. VeinViewer Flex est conçu pour la durabilité et la portabilité maximale. Flex convient également aux services hospitaliers tels que le service des urgences et l’USIN, où les besoins d’espace et la rapidité de l’évaluation exigent un détecteur de veine ultra-portable et fiable.
VeinViewer Vision2 est durable en milieu hospitalier et conçu pour une utilisation dans l’ensemble de l’établissement. Son bras articulé et son poignet flexible rendent le VeinViewer Vision2 facile à manœuvrer et à positionner. Placez VeinViewer Vision2 au chevet du patient et déplacez la tête de l’unité à l’aide de quelques doigts pour évaluer le patient, de la tête aux pieds. Il n’est pas nécessaire de repositionner l’appareil.

Comparison Sheet

CMS Medical VeinSight Accuvein VeinViewer
Modèle VF30 VS400 AV400 Flex
Type de lumière Lumière proche infrarouge Lumière proche infrarouge Laser Lumière proche infrarouge
Mode de couleur 3 couleurs 5 couleurs 1 couleur 5 couleurs
Mode de taille 2 tailles 3 tailles 1 taille 3 tailles
Degré de luminosité 3 degrés 3 degrés 1 degré 3 degrés
Mode veille Oui Oui Oui Non
Prix (utilisateur final) Abordable Abordable 5000 à 7000 USD 4500 à 6000 USD

Quanto custa o localizador de veias? Melhor Infravermelho Vein Finder Review-2019

By Others

Quanto custa o localizador de veias? Melhor Infravermelho Vein Finder Review-2019

Diferentes tipos de localizador de veias têm preços diferentes, antes de mostrarmos o custo, é importante saber de que tipos de localizador de veias você precisa primeiro. Existem 3 tipos principais de localizador de veias e 2 tipos de localizador de veias especiais em todo o mercado internacional.

1.Localizador de veias infravermelhas

1.Localizador de veias infravermelhas que mapeiam diretamente as veias na superfície da pele.
Este é um dos tipos mais populares de iluminador de veios por agora, é muito conveniente no uso diário e a maioria deles vem com um suporte opcional que pode liberar suas duas mãos. Enquanto isso, tem uma estrutura e um algoritmo muito mais complexos do que outro tipo de dispositivo. Por isso, torna este tipo de dispositivo um dos mais caros. Custa 4000 USD a 6000 USD por unidade para o usuário final.
Quero apresentar-lhe 4 marcas principais e o seu modelo mais popular no mercado internacional. São eles: CMS Medical, Accuvein, VeinViewer e BLZ Medical.


Localizador de veias CMS VF30

VF30 pode ser um dos melhores localizador de veia infravermelho acessível no mercado internacional. Tem vários modos, tem dois stand opcional e preço muito competitivo que é perfeito para algum mercado sensível ao preço.
O VF30 é o nosso principal produto, é poderoso, tem uma qualidade incrível e é acessível. O VF30 também vem com dois suportes opcionais, o suporte fixo para mesa e o suporte móvel. Stand é muito importante no uso diário, pode liberar suas duas mãos quando você opera.


Localizador de Veias Infravermelhas CMS VF30

O VF30 é o principal produto do CMS, é poderoso, tem uma qualidade incrível e é acessível. O VF30 também vem com dois suportes opcionais, o suporte fixo para mesa e o suporte móvel. Stand é muito importante no uso diário, pode liberar suas duas mãos quando você opera.
Desenvolvemos mais funções como modos de tamanhos diferentes, modos de cores diferentes, modos de brilho diferentes para fazer com que o visualizador de veias seja capaz de ajustar mais pacientes em mais departamentos.
Nosso objetivo é trazer veia localizador em cada hospital, torná-lo um dispositivo todos os dias e, eventualmente, mudar a forma como as pessoas fazem veipuncture. Para conseguir isso, temos uma lista de preços muito mais acessível do que outros concorrentes no mercado.
Entre em contato conosco para saber mais:


VeinSight Vein Finder VS400

O VS400 pode ser um dos dispositivos de mapeamento de veias mais poderosos e seguros do mercado, é bem projetado e tem uma qualidade alta e estável. VS400 pode veicular digitalmente um mapa da vasculatura na superfície da pele em tempo real, auxiliando os profissionais de saúde a verificar a patência das veias e evitar válvulas ou bifurcações.Vein finder é uma modalidade comprovada que pode melhorar o atendimento ao paciente e economizar valiosa tempo para médicos e pacientes.


VeinSight Vein Finder VS400

VeinSight tem a tecnologia exclusiva RMIF (Real Multi-Exposure Image Fusion) feita A taxa de quadros de imagem atinge mais de 20 f / s, tornando o fluxo de sangue claramente para injeção líquida, que é importante na aplicação clínica, como punção venosa, coleta de sangue, procedimentos cosméticos, procedimentos vasculares e muitos outros procedimentos médicos.
A tecnologia de dimerização PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation) permite alterar o brilho da imagem para as necessidades reais do ambiente de cuidados de saúde, para adaptar as diferentes condições de iluminação, o que pode proporcionar uma melhor experiência visual aos profissionais de saúde e aliviar a sua fadiga visual.


Accuvein AV400

 Accuvein  é uma das maiores empresas de dispositivos para localização de veias, sediada nos Estados Unidos e já possui distribuidores em todo o mundo. O AV400 é seu modelo mais popular, embora use lasers, o que faz com que ele tenha apenas um modo de exibição limitado e pode causar danos aos olhos se você usá-lo errado.


Accuvein AV400

O localizador de veias infravermelho AV400 AccuVein exibe digitalmente um mapa da vasculatura na superfície da pele em tempo real, permitindo que os médicos verifiquem a patência das veias e evitem válvulas ou bifurcações. É portátil e leve, pesando apenas 277 gramas, e converte-se facilmente em mãos livres com o uso de suportes opcionais com rodas ou fixos.
O carrinho de rodas HF470 é o mais recente da família de acessórios de mãos livres da AccuVein e é ideal para qualquer ambiente médico no qual a iluminação das veias precise ser trazida ao paciente, pois a base estável do suporte e as rodas deslizantes suaves permitem que seja facilmente manobrável.

Christie Medical Holdings Inc

Vein Viewer Flex

Algumas pessoas podem perguntar quem inventou o visualizador de veias? E a resposta do Google é Herb Zeman, que é cientista do Centro de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade do Tennessee e foi desenvolvido e embalado pela Luminetx, que foi fundada em Memphis e adquirida pela Christie Medical Holdings em 2009. Então, Vein Viewer pode ser o primeiro ceompany que usa luz infravermelha inofensiva no dispositivo de mapeamento de veias. Até hoje, muitas empresas também usam luz infravermelha inofensiva.


Vein Viewer Flex

VeinViewer Flex is handheld vein illuminator. It provides benefits for all patients during the entire Pre-, During- and Post- vascular access procedure. VeinViewer Flex is designed for durability and maximum portability. Flex is also suited for hospital departments such as the Emergency Department and NICU where space requirements and speed of assessment demand an ultra-portable and reliable vein finder.

VeinViewer Vision2 is hospital durable and designed for facility-wide use. Its articulating arm and flexible wrist joint make VeinViewer Vision2 easy to maneuver and position. Place VeinViewer Vision2 at the bedside and using just a couple of fingers move the head of the unit to assess a patient head-to-toe. There is no need to re-position the device.O VeinViewer Flex é um iluminador de veias portátil. Proporciona benefícios para todos os pacientes durante todo o procedimento de acesso pré, durante e pós-vascular. O VeinViewer Flex foi projetado para durabilidade e máxima portabilidade. O Flex também é adequado para departamentos hospitalares, como o Departamento de Emergência e a UTIN, onde os requisitos de espaço e a velocidade de avaliação exigem um localizador de veias ultra-portátil e confiável.
O VeinViewer Vision2 é durável para hospitais e projetado para uso em toda a unidade. Seu braço articulado e articulação flexível tornam o VeinViewer Vision2 fácil de manobrar e posicionar. Coloque o VeinViewer Vision2 ao lado da cama e, usando apenas alguns dedos, mova a cabeça da unidade para avaliar um paciente da cabeça aos pés. Não há necessidade de reposicionar o dispositivo.

Comparison Sheet

CMS Medical VeinSight Accuvein VeinViewer
Modelo VF30 VS400 AV400 Flex
Tipo de luz Luz infravermelha próxima Luz infravermelha próxima Laser Luz infravermelha próxima
Modo de cor 3 cores 5 cores 1 cor 5 cores
Modo de tamanho 2 tamanhos 3 tamanhos 1 tamanho 3 tamanhos
Grau De Brilho 3 graus 3 graus 1 grau 3 graus
Modo de espera Sim Sim Sim Não
Preço (usuário final) Acessível Acessível 5000 a 7000 USD 4500 a 6000 USD

¿Cuánto cuesta el buscador de venas? Mejor buscador de venas de infrarrojos Review-2019

By Others

¿Cuánto cuesta el buscador de venas? Mejor buscador de venas de infrarrojos Review-2019

Los diferentes tipos de Buscador de venas tienen diferentes precios. Antes de que le mostremos el costo, es importante saber qué tipo de Buscador de venas necesita primero. Hay 3 tipos principales de Buscador de venas y 2 tipos de buscador de vetas especiales en todo el mercado internacional.

1. Buscador de venas infrarrojas

1.Buscador de venas infrarrojas que mapea directamente las venas en la superficie de la piel.
Este es uno de los iluminadores de venas más populares por ahora, es muy conveniente para el uso diario y la mayoría viene con un soporte opcional que puede liberar ambas manos Mientras tanto, tiene una estructura y un algoritmo mucho más complejos que otro tipo de dispositivo. Así que hace que este tipo de dispositivo sea uno de los más caros. Cuesta 4000 USD a 6000 USD por unidad para el usuario final.
Quiero presentarles 4 marcas principales y su modelo más popular en el mercado internacional. son: CMS Medical, Accuvein, VeinViewer y BLZ Medical.


Buscador de venas CMS VF30

VF30 puede ser uno de los mejores buscadores de venas infrarrojas del mercado internacional. Tiene varios modos, tiene dos posiciones opcionales y un precio muy competitivo, perfecto para algunos mercados sensibles al precio.
VF30 es nuestro producto principal, es potente, tiene una calidad increíble y es asequible. VF30 también viene con dos soportes opcionales, el soporte fijo para mesa y el soporte móvil. El soporte es muy importante en el uso diario, ya que puede liberar ambas manos cuando opera.


Buscador de venas infrarrojas CMS VF30

VF30 es el principal producto de CMS, es potente, tiene una calidad increíble y es asequible. VF30 también viene con dos soportes opcionales, el soporte fijo para mesa y el soporte móvil. El soporte es muy importante en el uso diario, ya que puede liberar ambas manos cuando opera.
Hemos desarrollado más funciones como diferentes modos de tamaño, diferentes modos de color, diferentes modos de brillo para que el visor de vetas pueda ajustar más pacientes en más departamentos.
Nuestro objetivo es llevar el buscador de venas a cada hospital, convertirlo en un dispositivo cotidiano y, eventualmente, cambiar la forma en que las personas realizan la punción venosa. Para lograrlo, tenemos una lista de precios mucho más asequible que otros competidores en el mercado.
Contáctenos para saber más:


Buscador de venas VeinSight VS400

VS400 puede ser uno de los dispositivos de mapeo de venas más potentes y seguros del mercado, está bien diseñado y tiene una calidad alta y estable. El buscador de venas VeinSight ™ VS400 puede mostrar digitalmente un mapa de la vasculatura en la superficie de la piel en tiempo real, ayudando a los profesionales de la salud a verificar la permeabilidad de las venas y evitar válvulas o bifurcaciones. El visor de vetas es una modalidad comprobada que puede mejorar la atención al paciente y ahorrar valor. Tiempo tanto para los clínicos como para los pacientes.


Buscador de venas VeinSight VS400

VeinSight tiene la exclusiva tecnología RMIF (Real Multi-Exposure Image Fusion). La velocidad de cuadro de la imagen alcanza más de 20 f / s, lo que hace que el flujo de sangre sea claro para la inyección de líquidos, lo que es importante en la aplicación clínica, como la venopunción, la extracción de sangre. Procedimientos cosméticos, procedimientos vasculares y muchos otros procedimientos médicos.
La tecnología de atenuación PWM (Modulación de ancho de pulso) permite cambiar el brillo de la imagen para las necesidades reales del entorno de atención médica, para adaptar las diferentes condiciones de iluminación, lo que puede brindar una mejor experiencia visual a los profesionales de la salud y aliviar su fatiga visual.


Accuvein AV400

Accuvein es una de las mayores compañías de dispositivos de detección de vetas, tiene su sede en Estados Unidos y ya cuenta con distribuidores en todo el mundo. AV400 es su modelo más popular, aunque utiliza láseres, lo que hace que solo tenga un modo de visualización limitado y puede causar daño a los ojos si lo usa de manera incorrecta.


Accuvein AV400

El buscador de venas infrarrojas AccuVein AV400 muestra digitalmente un mapa de la vasculatura en la superficie de la piel en tiempo real, lo que permite a los médicos verificar la permeabilidad de las venas y evitar válvulas o bifurcaciones. Es portátil y liviano, pesa solo 9.7 onzas (275 g) y se convierte fácilmente en manos libres con el uso de soportes opcionales con ruedas o fijos.

El soporte con ruedas HF470 es lo último en la familia de accesorios de manos libres de AccuVein y es ideal para cualquier entorno médico en el que se deba llevar la iluminación de las venas al paciente, ya que la base estable del soporte y las ruedas de deslizamiento suaves le permiten maniobrar fácilmente

Christie Medical Holdings Inc

Vein Viewer Flex en uso

Algunas personas pueden preguntar quién inventó el visor de venas? Y la respuesta de Google es Herb Zeman, que es un científico del Centro de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Tennessee y luego fue desarrollado y empaquetado por Luminetx, que fue fundado en Memphis y adquirido por Christie Medical Holdings en 2009. Así que Vein Viewer puede primera compañía que utiliza luz de infrarrojo cercano inofensiva en el dispositivo de mapeo de venas. Hasta hoy, muchas compañías también están utilizando una inofensiva luz infrarroja cercana.


Vein Viewer Flex en uso

VeinViewer Flex es un iluminador de venas de mano. Brinda beneficios a todos los pacientes durante todo el procedimiento de acceso previo, durante y después del tratamiento vascular. VeinViewer Flex está diseñado para durabilidad y máxima portabilidad. Flex también es adecuado para departamentos hospitalarios como el Departamento de Emergencias y la UCIN, donde los requisitos de espacio y la velocidad de evaluación exigen un buscador de vetas ultraportátil y confiable.
VeinViewer Vision2 es duradero en el hospital y está diseñado para uso en toda la instalación. Su brazo articulado y su articulación de muñeca flexible hacen que VeinViewer Vision2 sea fácil de maniobrar y posicionar. Coloque VeinViewer Vision2 junto a la cama y, con solo un par de dedos, mueva la cabeza de la unidad para evaluar a un paciente de pies a cabeza. No es necesario volver a colocar el dispositivo.

Comparison Sheet

CMS Medical VeinSight Accuvein VeinViewer
Modelo VF30 VS400 AV400 Flex
Tipo de luz Luz infravermelha Luz infravermelha Laser Luz infravermelha
Modo de cor 3 cores 5 cores 1 core 5 cores
Modo de tamanho 2 tamanhos 3 tamanhos 1 tamanho 3 tamanhos
Grau De Brilho 3 graus 3 graus 1 grau 3 graus
Modo de espera Sim Sim Sim Não
Preço (usuário final) Acessível Acessível 5000 a 7000 USD 4500 a 6000 USD

How Much do vein finder cost? Best Infrared Vein Finder Review-2019

By Vein Finder Market

How Much do vein finder cost? Best Infrared Vein Finder Review-2019

Different kinds of Vein Finder have different price, before we show you the cost, it’s important to know what kinds of Vein Finder you need first. There 3 main kinds of Vein Finder and 2 kinds of special vein finder in the whole international market.

1. Infrared vein finder.

1.Infrared vein finder that directly map the veins on the surface of the skin.
This is one of the most popular kind of vein illuminator for now, it’s very convenient in the daily use and most of them come with an optional stand that can free your both hands. In the mean while, it has a much more complex structure and algorithm than other kind of device. So it make these kind of device one of the most expensive one. It costs 4000 USD to 6000 USD per unit for the end user.
I want to introduce you 4 main brands and their most popular model in the international market. they are: CMS Medical, Accuvein, VeinViewer and BLZ Medical.


CMS Vein Finder VF30

VF30 may be one of the best affordable Infrared vein finder in the international market. It has multiple modes, has two optional stand and very competitive price which is perfect for some price-sensitive market.
VF30 is our main product, it’s powerful, it has amazing quality, and it’s affordable. VF30 also come with two optional stand, the fixed stand for table, and the mobile stand. Stand is very important in the daily use, it can free your both hands when you operate.


CMS Infrared Vein Finder VF30

VF30 is the main product of CMS, it’s powerful, it has amazing quality, and it’s affordable. VF30 also come with two optional stand, the fixed stand for table, and the mobile stand. Stand is very important in the daily use, it can free your both hands when you operate.

We have develop more functions like different size modes, different color modes, different brightness modes to make the vein viewer be able to adjust more patients in more department.

Our goal is bring vein finder in every hospital, make it a everyday device, and eventually change the way people do veinipuncture. To achieve that, we have a much more affordable price list than other competitors in the market.
Contact us to know more:


VeinSight Vein Finder VS400

VS400 may be one of the most powerful, safe vein mapping device in the market, it’s well designed and has a high, stable quality. VeinSight™ vein finder VS400 can digitally displays a map of the vasculature on the surface of the skin in real time, aiding healthcare professionals to verify vein patency and avoid valves or bifurcations.Vein finder is a proven modality that can improve patient care and save valuable time for both clinicians and patients.


VeinSight Vein Finder VS400

VeinSight has The unique RMIF(Real Multi-Exposure Image Fusion) technology made The image frame rate reaches more than 20 f/s, making the flowing of blood clearly for liquid injecting, which is important in clinical application Such as venipuncture, blood draw, cosmetic procedures, vascular procedures and many other medical procedures.

PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation) dimming technology enables to change the image brightness for the actual needs of the health care environment, to adapt the different lighting conditions, which can bring the better visual experience to the healthcare professionals and relieve their visual fatigue.


Accuvein AV400

Accuvein is one of the biggest vein finding device company, it based in America and already has distributors all over the world. AV400 is their most popular model, though it uses lasers, which makes it only have limited display mode and it may cause harm on the eyes if you use it wrong.


Accuvein AV400

The AccuVein AV400 Infrared vein finder digitally displays a map of the vasculature on the surface of the skin in real time, allowing clinicians to verify vein patency and avoid valves or bifurcations. It is handheld and lightweight, weighing only 9.7 ounces (275g), and easily converts to hands-free with the use of optional wheeled or fixed stands.

The HF470 wheeled stand is the latest in AccuVein’s family of hands-free accessories and it is ideal for any medical setting in which vein illumination needs to be brought to the patient, as the stand’s stable base and smooth gliding wheels allow it to be easily maneuvered

Christie Medical Holdings Inc

Vein Viewer Flex

Some people may ask who invented the vein viewer? And the answer by Google is Herb Zeman, who is a scientist at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and then was developed and packaged by Luminetx, which was founded in Memphis and acquired by Christie Medical Holdings in 2009. So Vein Viewer may be the first ceompany that use harmless near-infrared light on the vein mapping device. Till today, many company is also using harmless near-infrared light.


Vein Viewer Flex

VeinViewer Flex is handheld vein illuminator. It provides benefits for all patients during the entire Pre-, During- and Post- vascular access procedure. VeinViewer Flex is designed for durability and maximum portability. Flex is also suited for hospital departments such as the Emergency Department and NICU where space requirements and speed of assessment demand an ultra-portable and reliable vein finder.

VeinViewer Vision2 is hospital durable and designed for facility-wide use. Its articulating arm and flexible wrist joint make VeinViewer Vision2 easy to maneuver and position. Place VeinViewer Vision2 at the bedside and using just a couple of fingers move the head of the unit to assess a patient head-to-toe. There is no need to re-position the device.

Comparison Sheet

CMS Medical VeinSight Accuvein VeinViewer
Model VF30 VS400 AV400 Flex
Light Type Near-infrared light Near-infrared light Laser Near-infrared light
Color mode 3 colors 5 colors 1 Color 5 colors
Size mode 2 Sizes 3 Sizes 1 Size 3 Sizes
Brightness Degree 3 degrees 3 degrees 1 degree 3 degrees
Stand-by Mode Yes Yes Yes No
Price(end-user) Affordable Affordable 5000 to 7000 USD 4500 to 6000 USD

Is Veinviewer the Best Vein Finder? What’s the price?

By Vein Finder Market

Is Veinviewer the Best Vein Finder? What’s the price?

For some readers who are not familiar with the vein finder market. There are two companies in the leading position of this market. VeinViewer from Christie Medical, and Accuvein from AccuVein Inc.

They are both American companies that have been proved by FDA. They have been selling this product in the international market for years and have stable distributors all over the world.

Check more at All You Need To Know About Vein Finder – Review /Manufacturer /Features /Cost


About Christie Medical Holdings, Inc.

Christie Medical Holdings, Inc. is a global company based in Memphis, Tennessee

About AccuVein

AccuVein is a global leader in medical imaging solutions.

How’s CMS Vein Finder VF30 compared to these two big brand?

VF30 is our main product, it’s powerful, it has amazing quality, and it’s affordable.

how do vein scanners work?

The fundamental principle of the device is that the Hemoglobin in blood has different light absorption rate than the surrounding tissue .

Any other vein finder available in the internet?

we’ve found the 5 Best infrared vein finder sold in amazon.

1. About Christie Medical Holdings, Inc.

Is VeinViewer the best Vein Finder?

Christie Medical Holdings, Inc. is a global company based in Memphis, Tennessee that discovers, develops and commercializes medical technologies. The company’s market-leading product, ​VeinViewer is a mobile vascular imaging system. It allows health care providers to clearly see accessible veins as a real-time HD image, directly on the surface of the skin. Christie Medical Holdings is owned by Christie Digital Systems, Inc. Christie Digital Systems, Inc. is a global visual, audio and collaboration solutions company offering full solutions for business, entertainment and industry.

Christie Medical Holdings:
Christie Digital Systems, Inc:

Christie Medical Holdings Inc

The portfolio of imaging products of Christie Medical Holdings includes: VeinViewer Vision2 and VeinViewer Flex models.


VeinViewer Flex


VeinViewer Flex is handheld vein illuminator. It provides benefits for all patients during the entire Pre-, During- and Post- vascular access procedure. VeinViewer Flex is designed for durability and maximum portability. Flex is also suited for hospital departments such as the Emergency Department and NICU where space requirements and speed of assessment demand an ultra-portable and reliable vein finder.

VeinViewer Flex comes standard with the full ASSESS™ Imaging Suite:

Universal A benefit for all your patients.
Inverse Allows you to switch colors within the image window.
Resize Allows you to choose one of three window sizes.
MaxBright Increases our market leading image brightness by another 40% for scenarios where greater than standard ambient lighting.


Brightness Minimum of 5 lumens
Weight 1.6 lbs. (0.7 kg)
Dimensions 11.6″ x 4″ x 1.7″
Power source Fast-swap lithium ion batteries or AC (outlet)
Imaging/focal distance 12″ (30 cm), meets with AST recommendations for safe distance from the sterile field.

VeinViewer Vision2


VeinViewer Vision2 is hospital durable and designed for facility-wide use. Its articulating arm and flexible wrist joint make VeinViewer Vision2 easy to maneuver and position. Place VeinViewer Vision2 at the bedside and using just a couple of fingers move the head of the unit to assess a patient head-to-toe. There is no need to re-position the device.

VeinViewer Vision2 comes standard with the full Imaging Suite:

Universal A benefit for all your patients.
Inverse Allows you to switch colors within the image window.
Resize Allows you to choose one of three window size.
Maximum Brightness Increases our marketing leading image brightness by another 40% for scenarios where greater than standard ambient lighting.
TriColor Provides a choice of color for the projected image (green, yellow, white).


Maximum reach 53.4″ (135 cm)
Brightness 6-10 lumens
Weight 54 lbs (24 kg)
Height (assembled device) 69.8″ (177 cm)
Base 21″ (53.3 cm) on the diagonal
Power source FastSwap Lithium Ion Battery or AC (outlet)
Imaging/focal distance 12″ (30 cm), meets with AST recommendations for safe distance from the sterile field.

VeinViewer Price

VeinViewer Price

The end-user price of VeinViewer Flex is around 4500 to 6000 USD.
The end-user price of VeinViewer Vision2 is around 5000 to 8000 USD.
The price is different in different country, and may not be very accuracy.

How to buy a VeinViewer?

Distributor Site:
Select the counrty from the list, and it will show the local distributor.
Please note that the Christie Medical Holdings is not seeking for any additional product distributors at this time.

2. About AccuVein.

AccuVein is a global leader in medical imaging solutions. Accuvein’s vein viewing system may be the world’s first handheld, non-contact vein illumination solution.

AccuVein Inc:


Product- AV400


The AccuVein AV400 digitally displays a map of the vasculature on the surface of the skin in real time, allowing clinicians to verify vein patency and avoid valves or bifurcations. It is handheld and lightweight, weighing only 9.7 ounces (275g), and easily converts to hands-free with the use of optional wheeled or fixed stands.


AccuVein HF470 Wheeled Stand


The HF470 wheeled stand is the latest in AccuVein’s family of hands-free accessories and it is ideal for any medical setting in which vein illumination needs to be brought to the patient, as the stand’s stable base and smooth gliding wheels allow it to be easily maneuvered

Accuvein Vein Finder Price

Accuvein Price

Accuvein may be the most expensive vein finder in the market.
The end-user price of AV400 is around 5000 to 7000 USD.
The price is different in different country, and may not be very accuracy.

How to buy a Accuvein?

The AccuVein vein viewing system is available in over 130 countries around the world.
Click on the country link below to contact the local distributor.

Warning: Laser.

What Accuvein use is veru different from other vein finder company,
What they use is two barcode-scanner class lasers: an invisible infrared and a visible red.
You can not use this device directly on the eyes.

3. How’s CMS Vein Finder VF30 compared to these two big brand?

VF30 is our main product, it’s powerful, it has amazing quality, and it’s affordable. VF30 also come with two optional stand, the fixed stand for table, and the mobile stand. Stand is very important in the daily use, it can free your both hands when you operate.

Similar vein finding capability

Infrared light vein imaging technology is a mature technology, and CMS has Strong development team to improve the code, so we have the similar vein finding ability.

More function.

We have develop more functions like different size modes, different color modes, different brightness modes to make the vein viewer be able to adjust more patients in more department.

More affordable.

Our goal is bring vein finder in every hospital, make it a everyday device, and eventually change the way people do veinipuncture. To achieve that, we have a much more affordable price list than other competitors in the market.
Contact us to know more:

Multiple size modes.


Adjustable brightness levels.

4. How Does Vein scanner work?

vein viewer wiki: Near-infrared vein finder

vein imaging technology, How Does It Work?

So how does a vein finder work? The fundamental principle of the device is that the Hemoglobin in blood has different light absorption rate than the surrounding tissue .
Projected near-infrared light is absorbed by blood and reflected by surrounding tissue. The information is captured, processed and projected digitally in real time directly onto the surface of the skin. It provides a real time accurate image of the patient’s blood pattern.
Here is another article explain more about the Vein Visualization technology. How does a vein finder work

5. Any other vein finder available in the internet?

Sure there is, We have been working for many days of research, and we’ve found the 5 Best infrared vein finder sold in amazon. This article have all you want to know about them, why it’s the best? How much it cost? And How can you buy it?


Veinlite EMS Adult Baby Transilluminator Vein Finder

Where to buy: Amazon
Vein Identifier price: $255.00
Manufacturer: TransLite LLC
Company Website:

The Veinlite Transilluminator was created to allow health care providers and EMS technicians to find veins in the limbs and scalp. It is hand-held, portable, and can be used with both adults and children (comes with a specially designed adapter when needing to find veins in pediatric patients).



Where to buy: Amazon
Manufacturer: BLZ Tech
Company Website:

VeinSight™ vein finder VS400 can digitally displays a map of the vasculature on the surface of the skin in real time, aiding healthcare professionals to verify vein patency and avoid valves or bifurcations.Vein finder is a proven modality that can improve patient care and save valuable time for both clinicians and patients.


VeinSeek vein finder app
Where to download:

veinseek pro android free download
veinseek pro ios free download
Manufacturer: VeinSeek, LLC
Company Website:

5 Best Infrared Vein Finder in Amazon-2019 Reviews

By Vein Finder Market

5 Best Infrared Vein Finder in Amazon-2019 Reviews

Vein identifier are very popular in many market. Because it can directly help our medical professional, like nurse, doctors, phlebotomist and our patients.

It can save time, reduce waste, and most importantly it can release pain for the patients. As well as release anxious from the medical professional. It was more in need for the patients with hard-to-find veins. Especially the elderly, the dark-skinned, children and infants.


We have been working for many days of research, and we’ve found the 5 Best infrared vein finder sold in amazon. This article have all you want to know about them, why it’s the best? How much it cost? And How can you buy it?


Benefits of Vein Finder

How Vein Visualization technology make it easier for us.

How does a vein finder work?

Explain all background information or this new technology.

5 Best infrared vein finder sold in amazon

5 Best infrared vein finder sold in amazon

Other kinds of Vein Finder.

Some New appear vein identifier design.

Know this before you buy a vein identifier

There are something you need to know before you buy a vein identifier

1. Benefits of Vein Finder

Not everyone has such large, easy-to-find veins. Some people’s surface veins are tiny, so you have to feel around for one that’s big enough to accept the catheter or needle. Ultrasound machines can be helpful for this, but they’re not always available.

Any medical professional who performs venipuncture and cannulation – knows that some people have veins that are hard to detect.

Statistics published by hospitals show that without a vein light, at least 25% of all patients go through more sticks, which is painful, stressful and reduces the safety of the procedure.


Here are the obvious benefits of using a simple tool like the infrared finder:

  • Proven Increased visibility of veins.
  • The infrared vein light device is noninvasive and painless.
  • Avoiding unnecessary pain and stress for the patient.
  • Reducing waste of needles, syringes, PICC and midline trays.
  • Time-saving.

2. How does a vein finder work?

The Vein Visualization technology uses safe non-invasive infra-red light to project a processed image of the patient’s veins onto the back of their hand. The Vein Finder works because Hemoglobin in blood has a higher absorption of infrared light than surrounding tissue and muscle.

Here is another article explain more about the Vein Visualization technology. How does a vein finder work

* 5 Best infrared vein finder sold in amazon

Through our research, here are the 5 best vein illuminators for medical medical professional who needs to draw blood accurately and without unnecessary pain and anxious.


Veinlite EMS Adult Baby Transilluminator Vein Finder

Where to buy: Amazon
Vein Identifier price: $255.00
Manufacturer: TransLite LLC
Company Website:

The Veinlite Transilluminator was created to allow health care providers and EMS technicians to find veins in the limbs and scalp. It is hand-held, portable, and can be used with both adults and children (comes with a specially designed adapter when needing to find veins in pediatric patients).

TransLite LLC was started in 1992 to commercialize an innovative product called the Nevoscope for skin cancer detection. The concept of the Veinlite device originated from the clinical results collected with the Nevoscope.

While the Veinlite® was becoming popular for treatment of varicose veins, the underlying belief that the Veinlite® could be beneficial for general vein access took a long time to get accepted by the medical community.

Veinlite Pros

Veinlite Cons

  • Lightweight, portable and ready to use – hand-held device and comes with a carrying case
  • Saves some money on sanitizing accessories (comes with disposable covers) and eye protection (comes with light shield)
  • Relatively low price (see today’s price on Amazon)
  • Works great in low light situations
  • No battery charger. However, even if you use it several times a day, batteries will last for at least 2 months.
  • May not work for dark skin with deep veins.

CMS Vein Viewer

Where to buy: send mail to:
Manufacturer: CMS Medical
Company Website:

VF30 can digitally displays a map of the veins on the surface of the skin in real time, aiding healthcare professionals to verify vein patency and avoid valves or bifurcations.Vein viewer is a proven modality that can improve patient care and save valuable time for both clinicians and patients.

CMS Pros

CMS Cons

  • Project the veins directly on the surface of the skin.
  • Easier to use for nurses and doctors.
  • Relatively low price, compared to similar vein finder.
  • Works great in other body parts like foot, leg and face.
  • Works great for all skin tone.
  • Very long battery standby time.
  • Due to the principal, for some patients like infants whose veins are too small and too deep, it may not show them very clearly.
  • Cost more than the red-light vein locator like veinlite.

Wee Sight

Where to buy: Amazon
Manufacturer: Philips
Company Website:

Wee Sight Transilluminator uses a strong LED light to help accurately locate the tiny veins in a neonate’s small limbs for improved insertion of an IV, without emitting heat.

Wee Sight was designed to lie flat on a surface to allow the clinician to drape baby’s arm or leg over it for enhanced evaluation. It can also be held in the palm of your hand with the baby’s limb against it. This unique design allows one person to operate the Wee Sight and perform necessary procedures.

This tiny device is shaped so the clinician can easily position it around the baby’s tiny limbs, and can be seen in many pediatric care units. The vein finder wavelength: It uses high intensity LED bulbs (infrared light – 629 nm) to illuminate the little ones’ veins.

Wee Sight Pros

Wee Sight Cons

  • LEDs run for years with no problem
  • Small enough to be used inside an incubator
  • Lightweight – only 4 ounces
  • Curved shape helps to stabilize the infant hand/foot
  • can also be used for thin-skinned adults
  • Relatively pricey.


Where to buy: Amazon
Manufacturer: BLZ Tech
Company Website:

VeinSight™ vein finder VS400 can digitally displays a map of the vasculature on the surface of the skin in real time, aiding healthcare professionals to verify vein patency and avoid valves or bifurcations.Vein finder is a proven modality that can improve patient care and save valuable time for both clinicians and patients.

BLZ Technology Co., Ltd. is a technology innovation company which is founded by a team of doctors and masters, focusing on intelligent robot and machine vision. One of the matured products of BLZ is Vein Finder/Vein Imaging System, which is a medical device, it is in the leading position among the similar products and widely sell to tens of countries all around the world.

VS400 is the latest VeinSight™ product, which is handheld and lightweight, allowing clinicians to verify vein patency and avoid valves or bifurcations and easily converts to hands-free with the use of optional wheeled or fixed stands.

VeinSight Pros

VeinSight Cons

  • Customized display selection
  • Enhanced mode for thinner or deeper veins
  • Sleeping mode, battery fast charge,long life battery
  • Five different display colors for selecting,
  • Modulated brightness pattern.
  • Relatively pricey.

Oxy-Iso Paramedic Glasses

Where to buy: Amazon
Manufacturer: Not Sure
Company Website: Not Sure

The specially tinted lenses filter light in a way that it makes veins appear to fluoresce or glow and amplify ability to see blood oxygenation by hindering perception of blood concentration variations.

Oxy-Iso Pros

Oxy-Iso Cons

  • You can wear them all day – without hurting your eyes.
  • Relatively low-cost, full money back guarantee.
  • Lightweight and comfortable.
  • The Oxy-Iso can only be used under bright sunlight or strong indoor light.
  • Not comfortable to use over prescription glasses.

Other kinds of Vein Finder.

VF20 can show the vein on the monitor in real time. It use the same technology with any other infrared vein finder. But the unique advantage is that it has multiple modes to display the veins. So the medical staff can really benefit from it.

There are nine different modes for the end user to adjust with the VF20. The Rotate, Brightness, Contrast, Mode, Color, Size, Zoom, Inverse, Photo. I will be specific with every modes.


VeinSeek vein finder app

Where to download:

Manufacturer: VeinSeek, LLC
Company Website:

VeinSeek takes advantage of multispectral imaging principles and the intrinsic optical properties of skin to produce enhanced images of veins; it does so by boosting oxyhemoglobin/deoxyhemoglobin absorption contrast and reducing the contribution of superficially-scattered and specularly-reflected light to the overall image.

Please do know this before you buy a vein identifier

No matter how much the vein finder may cost, or how amazing the technology they use are, there are always some veins that are not visible for them because it’s too deep or too small, this technology has its limitation.


Vein viewer / Vein finder for nurse with affordable price

By Vein Finder Market

Vein viewer/ vein finder for nurse with affordable price.

In this article, I want to introduce you the newest vein visualize technologies and our latest model of vein viewer VF20.

What VF20 can do?

VF20 can show the vein on the monitor in real time. It use the same technology with any other infrared vein finder. But the unique advantage is that it has multiple modes to display the veins. So the medical staff can really benefit from it.

There are nine different modes for the end user to adjust with the VF20. The Rotate, Brightness, Contrast, Mode, Color, Size, Zoom, Inverse, Photo. I will be specific with every modes.

Basic Modes.

— Rotate. As we may known that, the patients may be the opposite position with the medical staff. In that case, the image on the screen may also be opposite. It will be very uncomfortable for them to procedure. So with this button, you can easily rotate the image to adapt.

— Brightness. It’s for different lighting conditions. In some rooms, the light may be very bright so the medical staff wanna turn down the brightness of the vein image. For the same reason, in some dark room. The medical staff may wanna turn up the brightness of the vein image so they can really see the veins.

— Contrast. Though we are always try to make the code within the device can show the veins perfectly in very patients. But in some patients, it may not be automatically that clear. In that case, the medical staff can change the contrast so the veins can show up more clearly for them to locate.

Model: VF20

Vein Finder for nurses VF20

VF20 can show the vein on the monitor in real time. It use the same technology with any other infrared vein finder. But the unique advantage is that it has multiple modes to display the veins. So the medical staff can really benefit from it.

Learn More
Vein Viewer VF20

Advanced Modes.

— Color.

The multiple colors is also made to highlight some veins that not that vividly in the default black and white color. It works the best with the MODE 3. We have the red color, the green color, and the blue color. It also can be adjust for the nurse’s prefer.

— Size.

Vein viewer have 3 Size available in VF20. It’s for different body part, like arms can be used in a long and narrow square. for some body parts like face, it can use a small window.

— Zoom.

For some parts that the veins are very small and not clear. We can zoom in to see it clearer. But it’s inevitable that after zooming in, The image will not has the same high quality as the default size has.

— Inverse.

The multiple Inverse mode is also made to highlight some veins that not that vividly in the default mode. It also works the best with the MODE 3.

Special Modes.

— Mode.

We have three different mode in VF20 for the end user.

MODE 1 is the default mode which has a window in the central of the screen to show the veins more clear. It’s the most common mode we may use.

MODE 2 is the original image without the central window, which can show the veins more naturally.

MODE 3 is the special mode we use to show the veins in arm or foot which is deeper any smaller.

— Photo.

For some procedure that the doctors needs to show the vein images before and after the procedure. They can save the pictures by the photo button. And download the pictures to their computer for academic research. It is also another very popular function.

Vein Viewer VF20

Vein Viewer VF20 Price

VF20 is a affordable medical device, please contact us for more detail.

CMS Medical will provides you the best service and product.

Don’t hesitate to contact us ! mail to:

Why use vein viewer?

Firstly, vein finder can help nurses and doctors locate the veins. So they can do the IV access more accurately by showing the vein on the surface of the skin. It’s also been called the vein mapper device.

There are many procedure that vein finder can help, some of them are not that well-known. But it still helps a lot patients.

Application of Vein viewer in Hallux Surgery.

The hallux valgus is a common forefoot deformity. Vein Finder was developed to facilitate vascular access by projecting the images of veins onto the skin using near-infrared light (NIR). There was the possibility to reduce the damage of DMCN by the application of the Vein Finder.

the NIR vascular imaging system is useful to reduce the risk of nerve damage in great toe surgery. This procedure is relatively simple. It is recommend that the NIR vascular imaging system be considered for great toe surgery.

Near-Infrared Vein Visualization in Index Finger Pollicization.

NEAR-INFRARED VEIN VISUALIZATION devices Vein viewer allow for noninvasive identification of veins for multiple uses. During index finger pollicization, the dorsal veins must be preserved to allow blood outflow from the digit. The goal is to separate the veins from both the skin and the extensor mechanism, while not disturbing their associated fat envelope. Knowledge of the location and number of these veins prior to skin incision provides confidence during dissection of the dorsal tissues.

Near-infrared vein visualization Vein viewer is useful to identify the pattern and location of dorsal veins on the index finger during pollicization procedures. Identification of vein locations prior to surgical incision allows for gentle treatment of the veins. Provide the best chance for preservation of blood outflow from the digit.

Ankle Arthroscopy Using a Peripheral Vein Illumination Device.

Ankle arthroscopy is a minimally invasive technique for ankle joint treatment. However, injury to the inter-mediate dorsal cutaneous nerve (IDCN). And the medial dorsal cutaneous nerve (MDCN) is a common complication during anterior portal placement. To prevent injuries, methods such as palpating the nerves topographically and marking the nerves by transilluminating the skin with an arthroscope have been proposed. Easier and more definitive methods of identifying the IDCN and MDCN should result in a reduction of complications.

Recently, Vein viewer was developed that projects images of subcutaneous vasculature directly onto the skin with the use of near-infrared (NIR) light. Because anatomic studies have shown that superficial veins accompany the IDCN and MDCN. Protect the subcutaneous veins could lower the risk of nerve injury. We introduce our technique for the creation of an ankle arthroscopic portal using an NIR imaging system, which displays the vein image on the skin. To prevent injury to the superficial veins and consequently reduce IDCN and MDCN injuries.

Vein imaging technology

vein viewer how does it work?

The fundamental principle of the device is that the Hemoglobin in blood  has different light absorption rate than the surrounding tissue. So the device use this difference to identify the veins. Projected near-infrared(NIR) light is absorbed by blood and reflected by surrounding tissue.

In this picture, we can see that the hemoglobin in the blood absorbs most of the light, so there is a reduced amount of light reflection from the veins.

For the surrounding tissue, we can see in this picture, the surrounding tissue does not absorb the light that much. Instead of absorbing, the surrounding tissue reflect the light right back.

Then the information is captured, processed and projected digitally in real time directly onto the surface of the skin. It provides a real time accurate image of the patient’s blood pattern.

Vein Visualize Technologies

vein visualize technologies is an innovative technology that assists healthcare professionals with finding the best veins for IV starts and blood draws.  Also known as vein mapping, this technology creates a real-time visual “map” of the veins on the surface of the skin.

How Does a Vein Finder Work? 3 Basic Things You Should Know About Vein Finder

By How Does Vein Finder Work?

How Does Vein Finder Work?

Have you ever wonder that how does vein finder works and what’s the device for? it’s not that complex.

First of all, let me introduce vein finder to all of you in a short term.

Vein finder is a kind of medical device based on the principle of the different light absorption rate between blood and surrounding tissue.

So it can show veins in real time so the medical staff as nurses and doctors can locate the vein and do all kinds of procedure more efficiently and more easily. Let’s look into what that means and some basic things you need to know.

1.What is Vein Finder and how does a vein finder work?

So how exactly does vein finder works? not all kinds of these device use the same technology, but the fundamental principle are pretty much the same.

The fundamental principle of the device is that the Hemoglobin in blood  has different light absorption rate than the surrounding tissue . So the device use this difference to identify the veins.Projected near-infrared(NIR) light is absorbed by blood and reflected by surrounding tissue.

This is not complex at all, here is a picture that may help you understand.

In this picture, we can see that the hemoglobin in the blood absorbs most of the light, so there is a reduced amount of light reflection from the veins.

For the surrounding tissue, we can see in this picture, the surrounding tissue does not absorb the light that much. Instead of absorbing, the surrounding tissue reflect the light right back.

Then the information is captured, processed and projected digitally in real time directly onto the surface of the skin. It provides a real time accurate image of the patient’s blood pattern.

What is Vein Visualization?

Vein visualization is an innovative technology that assists healthcare professionals with finding the best veins for IV starts and blood draws.  Also known as vein mapping, this technology creates a real-time visual “map” of the veins on the surface of the skin.

Contact Us

Vein Finder VF30

VF30 can digitally displays a map of the veins on the surface of the skin in real time, aiding healthcare professionals to verify vein patency and avoid valves or bifurcations.Vein viewer is a proven modality that can improve patient care and save valuable time for both clinicians and patients.

Learn More

2. What Can Vein Finders Do? Anywhere do venipuncture.

As we have already known, vein finder can help our medical staff locate the vein, so what’s the benefit come out of that? quite a lot actually. As long as there is a venipuncture going on, vein finder can help.

1) IV Access

This is the number one application of vein finder. Establishing intravenous (IV) access is one of the most important skill that presents challenges for many medical professionals. This causes some unnecessary pain for the patients as well, we all have been through the fear that the nurse inject the needle but there is no blood reflux so we have to do it again.

And for patients with difficult venous access. Patients who are elderly, obese, dark-skinned, hypovolemic, have a history of IV drug use, or have chronic illness present unique problems to finding an appropriate vein to do venipuncture.

2) Blood Draw Procedure

Though there is no substitute for a trained practitioner’s experience, but the vein finder can help simplify the task of locating the point of needle placement.

Since the principle of the vein visualization will not be limited by different body parts, so it can be used for blood draw procedure, and it works well for the median cubital vein since it’s an extremely large vessel.

For median cubital vein, vein finder can always clearly show them. Vein finder can help especially for those who do not have much experience.

Here is a GIF of the Blood Draw Procedure

3) Cosmetic Procedures

One of the special use of vein finder is the cosmetic procedures, some people may don’t know that when you do the cosmetic procedures like injecting fillers, especially in the tear trough nasolabial folds and lips, the doctors must avoid the veins, once you accidentally inject the filler into the veins, not just the your face will be ruined, so as your life and the doctor’s career.

This is maybe the most serious side effect of located the vein wrongly, here’s a picture.

4) Many others Application.

There are many other application of vein finder, like Infusion center, Vascular Procedures and so on…

Here is a Article investigated the patient characteristic factors that correlate with identification of i.v. cannulation sites with normal eyesight. We evaluated a new infrared vein finding (VF) technology device in identifying i.v. cannulation sites.

Vein visualization: patient characteristic factors and efficacy of a new infrared vein finder technology

3.There are so many kinds of vein finder in the market.

Basically, there are three main kinds of vein finder in the market,

  • Infrared light Projected Vein Finder
  • Infrared light Screen Display Vein Finder
  • LED Transmitting Vein Finder

We will go though these vein finders one by one.

1)Infrared light Projected Vein Finder

Infrared light Projected Vein Finder is now the most popular kind of vein finder, it’s mostly light-weight and handy. But what makes Infrared light Projected Vein Finder so popular is that the device can project the vein images right on the surface of patient’s skin. It’s very convenient in the daily use. And most of them come with a support/stand, so it won’t need another person to hold the device, it can be fixed on a desk for everyday use.

Like VF Vein Finder, VeinSight, Accuvein, Veinviewer.

vein finder-VS400-PACK

2)Infrared light Screen Display Vein Finder

Infrared light Screen Display Vein Finder means when the device have capture the images of the veins, it shows the images on a screen. the device always come with a probe and a screen.

3)LED Transmitting Vein Finder

This kind of vein finder also called Portable Vein Finders is always come in a small size. It use a lot of bright light, Placing gentle pressure on the illuminator stretches the skin and engorges the vein for easier needle insertion.

This device are mostly used in hand since it’s small. and we can not have a complete view.